This was Hermína Týrlová and this is us. An animated portrait of a famous Příbram-born animator viewed through the eyes of children. In this short film the students of ZUŠ Příbram and ZUŠ JJR show not only the life and work of the famous author but even follow up with their own purely childlike story inspired by her legacy.
Competition category: 3A-C
Žáci výtvarného oboru ZUŠ Jakuba Jana Ryby a ZUŠ Příbram 1 Ema Šálková, 13, scénář, výtvarné podklady, animace Martin Bejček, 13, scénář, výtvarné podklady, animace
Educational, animated, age category 11 - 21, czech, english subtitles, elements: imagination